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Hi, Im Leyla

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Idea's for my photo shoot

I have arranged for my artist Thomas and another model Kian to come to my school on Tuesday 29th. I will be taking photos for my front cover, contents page and content page, I will be using the photo studio to take the photos for the front cover, but I am going to take photos outside around the school for the contents page and double page spread.

I have a clear image of what I want my models to be wearing, and how they are going to be posing.
My artist I have asked to be wearing black skinny jeans and a plain blue top with Vans. The reason why my artist is going to be wearing a blue top is because my colour scheme is blue and it would be effective if the colour is shown through what my models are wearing. These photos are going to be taken in the photo studio, and the shot that I am going to be using is a medium close up. The reason why I have chosen to use a medium close up is because when I researched about music magazines, they all used medium close ups for the front covers and I wanted to stick to the main features of a music magazine. My artist is also going to be holding a guitar, this shows from the front cover what the magazines going to be about.

My other model Kian is going to be featured on my contents page, he fits the stereotype of an Indie artist very well. Kian is going to be also wearing black skinny jeans, vans and a blue shirt. He is going to be posing with a skate board, because I think the skate board represents an item for the genre of Indie. These pictures are going to be taken outside because the photos would look more realistic, than if they were taken in the photo studio.

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